Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Change of Heart, Change of Style

A while ago, on social media, a posted a rather harsh reply to something that a pastor posted, and got rebuked for not making my reply in a loving way.  After a long time thinking, I realized that those who rebuked me were right, but I couldn't find the post again to give my response accepting the rebukes.  In light of this correction, I'm not only going to change my style when I correct Christians on social media, but also when I post on this blog corrections of false doctrine.  I want my posts to come off as being made with a loving attitude regardless of whether it's encouragement, questioning, correction, rebuke, or exposing deceivers.  This is something I should have been doing from the beginning since it is a command of our Lord Jesus the Messiah.  Now because I don't edit or delete any posts that have been published on this blog, you will be able to see this transition.

Now, there is another change I'm going to be making to how I write blog posts.  Previously, when I've been exposing false teaching, referring to articles or posts from others, I would omit linking the post or naming those who teach those false teachings.  This was done because I did not want to lend them any credibility by naming those who teach such things or linking to their articles.  I now believe this to be wrong.  So there will be blog posts in the future where I link directly to the articles I'm refuting, along with naming the ones teaching those false things.


The Importance of Repentance

I haven't mentioned repentance much on this blog.  In fact, a quick search will reveal only four posts where I use the word "repent...